Click here to view the Santee Patch article on our very own Michelle May and how she is a Santee Hero!
"There are not enough words to describe the way that I feel towards the staff at Momentum for helping my daughter. The dedication and care that has been shown throughout the years has far exceeded any expectation I could have had. Terri and the tutors have truly become part of our family"
-Rachel, parent of a Carlton Oaks student
"Momentum Tutoring has been a gift to my children. Our youngest son lacked confidence, drive, and accountability. Momentum's staff took a personal interest in our son and changed his whole way of looking at school. He no longer fears the unknown material, has embraced reading like a bookworm, and has more confidence in his math ability than ever. Thank you Momentum for caring and sharing the love of learning and re-building a foundation for our sons' education."
- Jen, parent of 4th grader and 7th grader

"Momentum has added an On Campus after school homework component for younger children. I think that this is a great addition, both for the students who are receiving the help and for the teens who are providing the assistance. So many parents don't have the time or the patience to sit down with their children and work out math problems at night. Evenings can be so much better without the homework battles, and most students are much more cooperative when doing school work in the school environment.
- Diane, PTSA President, Rio Seco School
"When I felt I was out of options Momentum came to my aide! My son was struggling in school. I had tried private tutors, in home computer programs, and after school homework help. One day, as I was about to give up he brought home a Momentum flyer. I looked at it, thought about it and eventually called and left a message. I did not have high hopes. In fact, when Terri called back and left me a voicemail I already had a negative mindset and decided not to pursue this option. Another day went by and she called me again. I actually liked the fact that she was calling again and something inside me said to give it a try. When I met with her the thing I liked most was how caring and nurturing she was to my child. She smiled and talked to him, not down to him, and made both him and myself feel very comfortable. His tutors have been wonderful. In a short amount of time he went from below grade level reading and math to grade level and above! I honestly don't know what i would have done without them! This is the most caring organization I have ever dealt with. I highly recommend Momentum Tutoring to everyone.
- Amy, parent of two boys at Sycamore Canyon School
"We have been going to Momentum Tutoring for over five years and have enjoyed our learning experience. Terri and her tutors get to know your child and find ways that will help them succeed. They listen to parents and make sure students are working on their goals during each tutoring session. They get to know your child personally and make them feel special when they are tutoring with them."
- Norma, parent of 8th grader
"Thank you for identifying the need for affordable tutoring and for filling it so exquisitely with the bright young tutors of Momentum Tutoring. Momentum Tutoring is making a difference in our children's lives!"
- Darlene, parent of two boys; one a student, one a tutor

"My Grandson was struggling academically as he entered the middle of 2nd grade. We enrolled him in Momentum Tutoring 4 days a week and saw immediate improvement. His organizational skills were the first area of improvement, which helped the rest of his problem areas. His reading was the next area to improve, followed by math. His tutors were great, and my grandson loved going to tutoring. He also went to summer school and loved every single day. I can't say enough positive things about the tutors and Terri B. I don't know how she knows each of the kids and their needs at Momentum so well, but she does. She is very kind, knowledgeable, and focused. My grandson will be continuing with Momentum in the fall."
- Katie, grandmother of a 3rd grader at Carlton Oaks
"My daughter has been tutored by Momentum tutors since inception. In 4th & 5th grade she needed assistance with reading comprehension. She is now in AP English and her reading comprehension is off the charts. She currently is getting tutored in Math and has found it very helpful. She brought the math test up two grades. We have found all of the staff to be very friendly, and Terri has always matched her with the perfect tutor. Thank you for helping her succeed in academics."
- Susie, parent of 11th grader at Granite Hills High School
Hi Matthew –
What a help you have been to R, and us, these past 6 months.
When we came to Momentum in early January, we were in a panic. In 8th grade, R had been a “high Honor Roll student”. He really hadn’t had to study. And now he was getting some Cs on a progress report in 9th grade. He’d never gotten a C on anything…ever.
We knew there would be some adjustments going into high school, but somehow we didn’t think it would include low grades. Perhaps we weren’t as “on top of it” as we should have been. We figured R would speak up if he was having any trouble.
Turns out he KNEW what his grades were, but being a fairly responsible kid, he was trying to just “handle it" all by himself, along with getting used to a MUCH larger school, adjusting to larger class sizes, having to make new friends, figuring out teachers’ grading technologies, and taking 3 honors-level classes. We were blind-sided, a little angry, and disappointed… and didn’t quite know what to do. The end of the semester was looming, and he did want to improve. But we don’t know the subject matter and are too close to the situation; we couldn’t help him by ourselves.
Then we found Momentum Tutoring, got assigned to you, and it started to get better…seemingly overnight.
It quickly became clear you were exactly the right choice for R. An honors student, with “well over” a 4.0 GPA, with a great attitude, at the same school… and having had several of the same teachers. You not only were able to help R in EVERY subject as needed (not just Math, or just English), but you also became a role model for him; an overall mentor he could relate to and who could help him (and us!) navigate this thing called high school circa 2014.
He finished the first semester with a 3.33 GPA, and we were so happy. The C’s he had have turned into B’s or better. And just today -- his “KENYA DIG IT?” presentation and essay for Honors Geography earned a score of 195 / 200. He worked hard on that, and your guidance was invaluable.
You were flexible with the scheduling once baseball (obviously a big part of the T family’s life) hit like a TYPHOON. You saw R whenever we could get him in there and communicated with a smile and never-wavering positive attitude. The skills you’ve taught him have (hopefully!) helped lay the structure for continued academic success at West Hills.
You have helped him so much and we just wanted to acknowledge that officially. We hope that it’s OK we are encouraging R to keep in touch with you. You are an impressive, smart young man who is no doubt going to be successful at whatever you do.
We will miss you, we thank you, and wish you the best!
E, D, R